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Take part in adventurous, outdoor activities, such as climbing, abseiling, raft building or orienteering.  Be introduced to local clubs and training centres through in-school taster sessions. To Play sport in front of spectators (through inter school events and our Sports Days) 

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By the end of Year 6, we want children at our school to be able to understand the concepts below and to be able to answer these key questions about them.


Movement – How can I control my body and how does this impact my performance?

Skills – What do we need to practice and develop to master an activity?

Challenge – Why and how do we challenge ourselves?

Evaluation – How can reflecting on what we do lead to further improvements?

Health – What can people do to be healthy and how do these choices affect their performance?

Fairness – How do we use or adapt rules to make sure that everyone can compete and be challenged in physical activity?


We make every effort to deliver high quality PE (Physical Education) provision to our children both during lesson time and as part of our extra-curricular programme.  The children are provided with opportunities to develop their skills in a wide range of sporting environments and disciplines, and represent the school in their chosen fields to showcase the talents that they have.  During their time at our school, children develop fundamental skills, play competitive games, choreograph and perform dances and gymnastic routines and take part in outdoor and adventurous activities.


Would you like to know more about PE at our School?​


You can find out more about the specific way provision in Foundation Stage 2 links into the subject by reading about objectives that children  access in Physical Education in the Foundation Stage.


You may also wish to find out more about how children make progress across the school by reading our PE Progression Grid which explains the knowledge and skills we expect a typical child to demonstrate at the end of each year.


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