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Recovery Curriculum 

As lockdown ended the process of healing began.  Our recovery curriculum, based around 5 levers, ensures that learning time is maximised. The 5 levers are the guiding principles behind the future reshaping and adjustments that we may need to make to our provision.


As always, pupil wellbeing is our number one priority.


We hope the below information gives parents and carers  helpful insight into how we have begun the process of recovery.

Time Table : Infants  

Learning interventions 

If your child is getting additional help in school, you may have heard the term 'intervention'. A lot of people use the word to describe any sort of help a child gets. But instructional intervention has a very specific definition. Knowing what it means can help you better understand the help your child is getting in school.

Instructional interventions are:


  • Intentional: They’re aimed at a particular challenge.

  • Specific and formalised: An intervention lasts a certain number of weeks or months and is reviewed at set intervals.


They’re set up this way so that we can monitor progress.

Even though instructional interventions are formalised, they are flexible, too. For example, if a program isn’t helping a a pupil, we will change it. This could mean increasing the amount of time a pupil gets reading support each week. Or it might mean getting more intense support — like moving from small group intervention to one-on-one help.


Our current learning interventions 


We are currently running 4 main interventions in school. We have chosen these particular interventions as they have a strong impact evidence base. We hope the information below will give a picture of the intervention and what to expect if your child has been identified in need of additional learning support.



What is FFT?


FFT is an early intervention for Primary-level pupils who have difficulties learning to read and write. It is based on the pedagogy and practice of Reading Recovery. FFT Wave 3 is aimed at children who are unable to access a scripted group intervention, but who do not have the depth of need that would require the support of a Reading Recovery programme.

What is FFT ?



A pilot programme was evaluated in 2004. There was a useful gain in reading accuracy. A larger study in 2008 produced a remarkable gain for accuracy

What do sessions look like?

Reading Day

The child:

  1. re-reads a familiar book (4/5 mins);

  2.  carries out three fast letter-work activities (3 mins);

  3.  reads a new book following a book introduction (8 mins);

  4.  reconstructs a cut-up sentence from the book (2 mins); 5. learns a new word from the book (2 mins).


Writing Day

The child:

1. re-reads yesterday’s new book – the adult takes a running record once a week (5 mins);

2. revises word(s) previously learned (2 mins);

3. composes and writes a sentence based on a picture or stimulus from the book just read (7/8 mins); 4. reconstructs a cut-up sentence taken from the written sentence (2 mins); 5. learns a spelling from the writing just completed (2 mins).

What is Number Stacks?

Number Stacks is a whole-school intervention to help address gaps in understanding for pupils in all primary year groups. 


By using a unique combination of stackable place-value counters and video tutorials the intervention helps children master the foundations of the number system and  builds your child's confidence and ability in the key areas of the primary maths curriculum (age 4 to 11).


Over 13,000 pupils in Years 2 to 11 have been supported by this intervention 


  • They made an average Number Age gain of 14.5 months in 4 months – over 3 times the expected progress.

  • 91% of them showed more confidence and interest in learning mathematics in class after 

What do sessions look like?

Children complete an initial assessment to build their learning profile.


Adults and children watch a short video  tutorial together.


Practical activities follow with multi sensory equipment and manipulatives. 


Games and fluency competitions build accuracy and confidence.


Each subsequent session builds incrementally on the session that has come before.

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