The role of Governors
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
set the aims and objectives for the school
set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)
The headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing board.
(Taken from the National Governance Association)
Key responsibilities governing bodies should perform in order to fulfill their statutory duties
Promote pupil attainment in all areas
Promote improvements in pupil attainment
Improve assessed pupil progress in English and maths
Make effective use of pupil premium funding to close the attainment gap
Meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs (SEND)
Promote the highest possible standards of pupil behaviour
Ensure the provision of appropriate sex education
Ensure the provision of extra-curricular activities
Ensure all the necessary child protection procedures are in place
Oversee pupil admission arrangements
Oversee the implementation of a home school agreement
Oversee vigorous and effective teacher appraisal
Ensure pay arrangements for all staff are cost effective and fair
Provide the best possible staff, at all levels, throughout school
Conduct the headteacher’s performance management
Guarantee that all aspects of the school’s finances are properly managed
Guarantee that all the relevant health and safety procedures are implemented
Provide and maintain the highest possible quality of buildings and facilities
Oversee the implementation of fair and effective complaints and grievance procedures.