Federation Consultation
For the attention of pupils, parents and staff
The governing boards of Taddington and Priestcliffe Primary School and the existing Federation of Peak Dale and Dove Holes Primary Schools propose the federation of their schools from 1 September 2024. This is an important matter and before making a final decision, the governors of each school wish to seek the views of the pupils and their families, members of staff as well as stakeholders within the wider community.
Under the Education Act 2002, schools and local authorities can propose that schools join together to create a federation. A federation is formed when two or more schools agree to work together on a formal basis through a single governing board. Federation schools remain separate schools at their existing sites with their own names and own identities. They have separate Ofsted inspections and continue to report separate results.
This document sets out the reasons why the governing boards of each school believe this proposal is a good idea and the benefits for pupils, parents and staff. It also provides information about the vision that the extended federation has for its family of school